MegaLive Utenax

  • 3,500 pts

Valid till 2029-12-31

MegaLive Utenax (2 x 60's) EXP: AUG 2024
MegaLive Utenax Capsule is a traditional product that helps to improve urination. 

Main Ingredients:

  • Celery Seed Extract (Seman Apium Graveolens)
  • Juniper Berry Extract (Fructus Juniperus Communis)
  • Dandelion Extract (Herba Taraxacum Mongolicum)
  • Bearberry Leaf Extract (Folium Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi)


MegaLive Utenax Is Suitable For
• Adults
• People with difficulty in urination


Recommended Dosage
Adults: Take 2 capsules, once daily after meal or as directed by doctor/pharmacist or your health care professionals. 

Product Registration No. MAL18016007TC
KKLIU 0444/EXP31.12.2026 KKLIU Expiry: 31/12/2026
This is a traditional product advertisement.

Pack Size: 2 x 60's
*Suitable for vegetarian