MegaLive Manz

  • 4,350 pts

Valid till 2029-12-31

MegaLive Manz is composed of Tongkat Ali extract, oyster extract, maca extract and tribulus extract, which is traditionally used for energy and men’s health. Feeling tired all the time? Take MegaLive Manz now to support your vitality and energy!


MegaLive Manz, Its Goodness & Health Benefit:
•    Combines 4 targeting ingredients to support energy and men’s health.
•    Gains vitality through this formulation and in turn, refine your quality of life.
•    Ingredients are rigorously checked for the quality and backed by clinical studies.
•    Natural and traditional preparation.



  • Oyster Extract
  • Tongkat Ali Extract
  • Maca Root Extract
  • Tribulus Extract  


MegaLive Manz is suitable for:

•    Athlete / individual who exercises regularly
•    Individual who always feel tired
•    Individual who perceives to have lack of energy in daily life
•    Individual who concern about own health


Adults: 2 capsules once daily after meal (preferably in the morning),
or as directed by your pharmacist / doctor or your healthcare



Product Registration No. MAL23096098TC
KKLIU 0150/2023 KKLIU Expiry: 31/12/2025
Halal Cert No. 5073-07/2012 Halal Cert No Expiry: 31/01/2027
This is a traditional product advertisement.


Pack Size: 1 x 60’s
*This product contains ingredients derived from seafood.