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Your Immunity Booster

Since 1970, vitamin C has been widely used to fight and prevent the common cold. Nowadays, everyone knows that taking vitamin C can help prevent and fight the common cold (1)

A study shows that vitamin C contributes to immune defence by supporting various cellular functions. Vitamin C helps phagocytes (cells that ingest harmful bacteria into the body) to move, increase uptake, engulf, and kill microbes (which can cause harm to the body), thus improving the immune system and protecting against diseases (2).

Probiotics work in a similar way to vitamin C in improving the immune system.

But ,what are probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in an adequate amount, confer health benefits on the host (the human body). A study found that long-term consumption of probiotics could stimulate and improve the immune system. With regards to the current pandemic novel Coronavirus, how can probiotics help with viruses like Corona? Well, Corona is the virus that attacks the lung, thus;


Probiotics are able to help lung health, but how?


The truth is, the physiology and pathology of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts are closely related. This may explain why smokers who are diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) usually have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) as well (3).


The mechanism in which it works is that once oral probiotics are administered, they will interact with cells in the gut and improve the composition and activity of microbiota in the gut. This will then send a signal to activate Immunoglobulin A (an antibody that has a protective function) in the intestine, bronchus (part of the lung), and mammary gland and suppress the pathogen (bad bacteria), which in turn will improve the respiratory system and overall immune health (4).



Using probiotics along with taking precautionary measures such as frequently washing hands, using sanitizers, wearing a mask, and avoiding contact with people is the go-to way to prevent the widespread spread of the disease while at the same time improving immune function since probiotics are ubiquitous and affordable!




  1. WebMD. Vitamin C for the common cold.

  2. Carr, A. C., & Maggini, S. (2017). Vitamin C and Immune Function. Nutrients, 9(11), 1211.

  3. Esmaeil Mortaz, Ian M. Adock, Gert Folkters, Peters J. Barnes, Arjan Paul Vos and Johan Garssen (2013). Probiotics in the management of Lung Disease. Hindawi, 2013.

  4. Carolina Maldonado Galdeano, Silvia Ines Cazorla, Jose Maria Lemme Dumit, Eva Velez, Gabriela Perdigon      (2019). Beneficial effect of Probiotic consumption on the Immune System. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism     74(115-124). DOI: 10.

Colostrum is beneficial to babies, but does it also benefit adults?

Colostrum is a type of breast milk produced by mammals, including humans. Before breast milk is released, it is usually thicker in consistency and contains high levels of antibodies. This high concentration of nutrients in the colostrum is aimed at promoting the growth and health of newborn mammals, which is why it is the most nutritious form of milk (1).

For humans, the consumption of colostrum by newborns is very much encouraged; apart from the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months and 2 years by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), mothers are as well encouraged to give skin-to-skin support while breastfeeding newborns for the colostrum few hours after delivery.

The colostrum is said to have various benefits for the newborn as they get older (2).

 What about the adults? Does adult consumption of bovine colostrum have the same effect as mother-to-newborn colostrum?


Bovine colostrum is more nutritious than regular milk. It contains more protein, fat, carbohydrates, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, B, and E than regular milk. Due to this, studies have found that the consumption of bovine colostrum by adults is useful in boosting the immune system as well as improving gut health (1, 3).


The presence of lactoferrin in colostrum contributes to the link between colostrum and immunity. Lactoferin is a protein that occurs naturally in the body. It is a very versatile protein because it is a bi-lobed protein that can bind an iron atom (4). This transferrin-family iron-binding glycoprotein is an important component of the mammalian immune system. As a result, it provides lactoferrin with protective effects ranging from direct antimicrobial to anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer (4).



Apart from this, colostrum also contains antibodies. Antibodies are proteins, also known as immunoglobulins, used by the immune system to fight bacteria and viruses. Bovine colostrum is rich in the antibodies IgA, IgG, and IgM (1, 2). This is also essential for fighting pathogens and improving the immune system.


Since bovine colostrum is loaded with nutrients that fight disease and promote growth, it is able to boost immunity, treat infections, and offer more related benefits to humans throughout their lives. Thus, the consumption of bovine colostrum may have the same effect as human colostrum; it is just that the absorption of colostrum from a bovine to a human body is different, but with all the spectacular ingredients that colostrum possesses, it may possess the same effect as boosting immunity!



  1. Healthline. What is the colostrum? Nutrition, Benefits and Downsides. (Accessed on July 9, 2020).
  2. Bloomlife. Breastfeeding Tips To Know Before the Baby Arrives.,in%20her%20first%20few%20days  (Accessed on July 9, 2020).
  3. WebMD. Bovine Colostrum. (Accessed on July 9, 2020).
  4. Bioquad Lifesciences. (Accessed on July 9, 2020).


Cordyceps, more than just for coughs

Cordyceps is a genus of parasitic fungi that grows on the larvae of insects. When these fungi attack their host, they replace its tissue with long sprouts and slender stems that grow outside the host’s body. The remains of the insects and fungi have been hand-collected, dried, and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries to treat fatigue, sickness, kidney disease, and low sexual drive (3).


Since there is now an increased shift of attention from synthetic drugs to natural herbal products, not only to treat the common cold and flu but also to prevent chronic diseases, people start to consume various kinds of traditional medicine in an effort to prevent or control diseases (2).


Since cordyceps live only on certain caterpillars in the high mountain regions of China, natural cordyceps are hard to get and are expansive. Most supplements are made with cordyceps grown in the laboratory, which is also known as Cordyceps CS-4. People start to market products containing cordyceps in supplement form or as functional foods since many studies start to dig into their benefits. From more than 400 species of cordyceps discovered, only two types of cordyceps are commonly used, which are Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps militaris (3).


Traditionally, people used cordyceps for various purposes; until now, certain people who were able to get wild cordyceps still used this in their daily lives. Some people mix it with milk; it is said to improve sexual drive. It is also sometimes mixed with alcohol, which is referred to as ‘chang', in which people drink it in the morning as tonic (5).


As for modern studies, apart from the usage of cordyceps in cough syrup, cordyceps also have various other health benefits, such as antihyperglycemic. A study on diabetic rats found that the 4g/kg/day that is administered to diabetic rats does not affect their fasting insulin level. When oral administration of cordyceps at 150 mg/kg/day and 500mg/kg/day is ingested by mice for 4 weeks, it significantly prolongs the swimming time of mice by about 20 to 24 minutes, respectively, thus showing that consumption of cordyceps also improves fatigue conditions. It is the involvement of cordyceps in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (energy) production that accounts for a decrease in physical fatigue when it is administered. Apart from that, the administration of cordyceps decreased the airway inflammation in ovalbumin-induced mice, thus easing breathing for individuals with cough and flu (6).


However, most studies with regards to cordyceps are conducted on mice, not humans, so the findings are considered to have insufficient evidence (1, 3, 4).


However, it is safe to consume cordyceps supplements with other medications if you have any other medical condition since the government of China uses cordyceps as a natural drug in their hospitals to treat patients (1, 3, 4).




1. Mehra A, Zaidi KU, Mani A, Thawani V. The health benefits of Cordyceps militaris a review. Kavaka. 2017;48(1):27-32.

2. Nxumalo W, Elateeq AA, Sun Y. Can Cordyceps cicadae be used as an alternative to Cordyceps militaris and Cordyceps sinensis?-A review. Journal on Etnopharmacology. 2020 Apr 16:112879.

3. Healthline. 6 Benefits of Cordyceps all backed by Science. (Accessed on Oct 23, 2020).


4. WebMD. Cordyceps. (Accessed on Oct 23, 2020).


5. Pradhan BK. Caterpillar mushroom, Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Ascomycetes): a potential bioresource for commercialization in Sikkim Himalaya, India. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 2016;18(4).


6. Bao-qin Lin and Shao-ping Li. Benzie IFF, Wachtel-Galor S, editors. Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2011. NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

Can Vitamin C Prevent or Treat COVID-19?

Since years ago, vitamin C has gained its popularity to be used for various functions from prevention of illnesses, alleviating symptoms for illnesses, and even in the cosmetics industry for skin care purposes. It has becoming popular after the Nobel prized scientist Linus Pauling started to consumed it (1). Following that there are many studies conducted on vitamin C and many people started to question its effectiveness and there are also many people who started to consume vitamin C for various purposes.


With regards to COVID-19 pandemic, many people started wanting to boost their immune system thus making the demand for vitamin C supplementation and food products containing vitamin C is even higher. However, is it true that vitamin C can boost immune system and prevent or treat COVID19?

What is vitamin C and how does it improve immune system?(2)


Vitamin C or also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. It can also act as antioxidant, which helps in protecting cells against free radicals thus helps with various kind of diseases. Vitamin C improves our white blood cells  (WBC) which function in fighting the viruses, bacteria, and generally foreign materials in the body. There are various studies with regards to this, one of it is the study that compare the administration of vitamin C and vitamin E as antioxidant, finding of the study noted that vitamin C give greater effect on body immunity as compared to vitamin E.


Vitamin C supplementation (4,5,6,7)


Vitamin C is found abundantly in fruits and vegetables especially citrus food. Also, if you look closely on the food labelled, there are food that is fortified with vitamin C such as breakfast cereal, milk etc. Local fruit that is high with vitamin C is guava, the amount of vitamin C in guava is even higher than in the orange.


As for cold, vitamin C has been a long popular remedy for common cold, which is why many people started to consume it when the pandemic strikes. Research shows that vitamin C does not reduce risk of getting common cold. Well, being sick once in a while, or get common cold once in a while is a good thing actually, it helps  antibodies to fight against pathogen (bad bacteria and viruses) and improve the immune system naturally. However, the consumption of vitamin C can lead to  a shorter period of common cold with milder symptoms. But the consumption of vitamin C after the symptoms of common cold is showing does not appear to be helpful.


With the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s especially important to understand that no supplement, diet, or other lifestyle modification other than physical distancing, also known as social distancing, and proper hygiene practices can protect you from COVID-19. However, since the symptoms is the same as common cold thus it is thought that it can be used to alleviate the same symptoms present. Currently researchers and physicians are studying the effect of vitamin C via (high dose intravenous) (IV) and also on the effect of supplementation taking on the new COVID19.


In conclusion, 


It is safe to say that, there is no harm in consuming vitamin C with the purpose to boost immune system in this pandemic situation, but also it has to be hand in hand with the other safety precautions such as only go out when it is necessary, must always adhere to the one meter social distance measure, must always wear mask when you are outside, must wash hands frequently using soap or hand sanitizer.





  1. Oregon State University. Pauling Recommendation (2004). (Accessed on November, 16, 2020).
  2. Healthline. 7 Impressive ways Vitamin C benefits your body. ( Accessed on Nov 16, 2020)
  3. 8 Nutrients that will optimize your eye health. (Accessed on Aug 26, 2020)
  4. All About Vision. Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Eye and vision benefits. (Accessed on Aug, 26, 2020)
  5. Simonson W. (2020). Vitamin C and coronavirus. Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.)41(3), 331–332.
  6. Medical News Today (MNT). Can Vitamin C Prevent or Treat COVID19. (Accessed on November 16, 2020).
  7. Healthline. Can Vitamin C Protect you from Vitamin C. (Accessed on November 16, 2020).




Vitamin C as prophylaxis for COVID-19?

Vitamin C or its actual name is ascorbic acid, is the antioxidants used for various reasons. It becomes famous after the ‘Linus Pauling effect’ all around the world. The Nobel Laurette scientist claims that the consumption of vitamin C can treat various kind of diseases. Starting from that many manufacturers claim various benefits of Vitamin C consumption. Many researchers have then started to publish articles and studies on the benefits of vitamin C, but so far, in Malaysia the studies are still somewhat lacking for it to be used partly in treatment of a particular diseases.


Pandemic COVID-19


The outbreak of Coronavirus disease began at Wuhan, China in December 2019, thus far it has infected more that 46 million of individual all around the world and has caused more than 1.2 million of deaths. The symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, dyspnoea, and myalgia. Some proportion of confirmed cases also developed severe diseases which involves acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) which can precipitated into multiple organ failure and death. This is also one of the reasons why infection occur to the high-risk individuals are more likely be getting serious or lead to complications as compared to healthy individuals.


It has been reported that the condition is called ‘cytokine storm’, a condition where the host immune response becomes dysfunction due to the attack from the virus to body’s immune system. In the absence of approved vaccine to prevent this from happening, management of critically ill COVID19 patients include administration of azithromycin (antibiotic) and hydroxychloroquine (malaria medicine), this is due to that there is no specific medication yet for COVID-19.


However, growing study interest is seen on the administration of COVID-19 recently, where even in Malaysia, Ministry of Health has conducted few studies to see whether the usage of vitamin C among critically ill COVID-19 patients is beneficial. The first study was conducted among 17 patients, the critically ill patients were given 1g of vitamin C in every 8 hour for three days. Although the findings are promising, but according to Deputy Health Minister, Datuk Dr, Noor Azmi Ghazali, it cannot still be used as management of critically ill COVID-19 patients as the sample size of the studies is too small for the result to be used.


Another study involving critically ill COVID-19 patients, divide between two groups of critically ill patients, the one administered with Vitamin C and the one without administration of vitamin C. The result found out that group with vitamin C administration has 57% lower on mortality rate, 9 days shorter of hospital stay, 5.6 days faster in successful extubating, and 7.5 days faster in weaning off oxygen support.



There is another unpublished study that was conducted among critically ill COVID-19 patients in two different tertiary hospital in Malaysia comparing individual treated with vitamin C against those who are not treated with vitamin C. Both groups show similar clinical background, comorbidity, illness severity, and severity score on admission. The finding shows that the vitamin C group has lower mortality rate (14.3%) as compared to the group without vitamin C (71.4%). Duration of days on the ventilator were also shorter in vitamin C groups compared to non-vitamin C group (14 vs 19.6 days). Similarly, the duration to complete weaning of oxygen therapy was also shorter in vitamin C group (16 vs 23.5 days). Since the result is very promising currently, a multicenter randomized controlled trial is underway in evaluating the effectiveness of high dosage of intravenous vitamin C for the treatment for severe COVID-19 patients.


Usage of Vitamin C as prophylaxis to COVID-19 for general population


Apart from vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin it is also a potent antioxidant. It acts as free radical scavenger and has its anti-inflammatory properties, which influence cellular immunity and vascular integrity. Which explain why it is being studied as one of the treatments for COVID-19. As for general population, National Health Service (NHS) U.K. treatment guideline stated that for non critically ill COVID-19 individuals and for non-COVID19 individuals there is insufficient data to recommend usage of high dosage of vitamin C in combating COVID-19. This being stated because, in critically ill COVID-19 individuals they experience high oxidative stress and severe inflammation, which may be helpful with the administration of vitamin C but unlike non COVID19 and non critical COVID19 individuals.



In general, sufficient consumption of vitamin C and healthy eating habit may helps with combating COVID-19 pandemic. A proper diet can help to ensure that the body is in the strongest possible state to battle the virus. Certain precaution with regards to food safety as well may helps in combating the virus although researchers have found that there is no source of virus contamination via food packaging or food. However, good food practices are always recommended to minimize the risk of contamination and to ensure that there is no window for the virus to weaken immune system.


  • Eat plenty of fruits daily ( such as guava, apple, banana, strawberry, cantaloupe melon, grapefruit, pineapple, papaya, orange, Longman fruit, blackcurrant, pumelo) these are fruits have high vitamin C.
  • Eat plenty of fresh vegetables daily (such as green bell peppers, garlic, ginger, kale, lime, coriander, broccoli, green chili pepper). Do not overcook vegetables as it leads to the loss of important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
  • Eat whole grains and nuts, which have high amount of good fats! Limit intake of red meat, processed and fast foods.
  • For snacks, choose fresh fruits and raw vegetables rather than foods that are high in sugar, salt or fat.
  • Limit the salt intake to less than 6g/day.
  • Drink 8–10 glasses of water every day. It helps to transport nutrients in the blood, gets rid of waste, and regulates the body temperature.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle of exercise, meditation, and regular sleep. Adequate sleep will help to support immune function.
  • Eat at home to avoid contact with other people and try to reduce the chance of being exposed to COVID-19.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits before eating.
  • Wash, rinse, and disinfect objects and surfaces every time before and after use.
  • Keep cooked and raw foods separate, as it would prevent the harmful microbes from raw foods spreading to cooked foods. Use different chopping boards and utensils for cooked and raw foods to prevent cross-contamination.



  1. Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH). Kajian dan Penyelidikan MahTAS COVID-19 rapid evidence update. Intravenous Vitamin C for COVID-19. Based on the availa le evidence up to 16 November 2020. (Access on Feb 2, 2021).
  2. New Straits Times (NST). Vitamin C injections not used in COVID-19 treatment in Malaysia. (Accessed on Feb 2, 2021).
  3. National Institute of Health (NIH). Vitamin C usage and COVID-19. (Accessed on Feb 2, 2021).
  4. Feyaerts, A. F., & Luyten, W. (2020). Vitamin C as prophylaxis and adjunctive medical treatment for COVID-19? Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.)79-80, 110948.
  5. Aman, F., & Masood, S. (2020). How Nutrition can help to fight against COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan journal of medical sciences36(COVID19-S4), S121–S123.

Can DHA & EPA help with COVID-19?

Unsaturated fats can be classified into two main categories: Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). MUFA-rich foods include olive oil, canola oil, cashews, and groundnuts. On the other hand, PUFA can be further divided into Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), also known as omega-3 fatty acids. EPA and DHA are commonly found in fatty fish and algae.

Benefits of EPA and DHA

EPA and DHA offer a range of benefits, with one well-studied area being their connection to cardiovascular health. Multiple studies indicate that incorporating EPA and DHA-rich foods or supplements into the diet can lower triglyceride levels. Consequently, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends a daily intake of about 1g of EPA plus DHA for individuals at high risk of heart disease. Joseph C. Maroon, MD, a professor in the Department of Neurological Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and author of "Fish Oil: The Natural Anti-Inflammatory," emphasizes that sufficient omega-3 intake can reduce the inflammatory processes linked to various chronic conditions. This anti-inflammatory effect could potentially extend to diseases like arthritis, dry eyes, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), dementia, Alzheimer's, and cognitive issues. However, what about its relevance to COVID-19?

EPA & DHA in the Context of COVID-19

COVID-19 remains a novel disease, with many aspects still unknown to scientists. Among the potential management and treatment avenues being explored is the relationship between EPA and DHA and COVID-19. Numerous well-documented studies suggest that EPA and DHA's anti-inflammatory properties could have potential benefits for COVID-19 patients.

COVID-19 primarily targets the body's immune system, triggering an immune response to combat the disease. During this battle, the body releases cytokines, a phenomenon referred to as a "cytokine storm." Studies on sepsis patients have shown that administering EPA and DHA leads to the release of resolvins, which aid in restoring cellular function post-inflammation and tissue injury. This insight underlines why the administration and consumption of EPA and DHA-rich diets are being examined as potential mechanisms against COVID-19. Furthermore, a meta-analysis indicates that high EPA and DHA supplementation through parenteral and enteral nutrition can significantly reduce ventilator-free days, organ failures, ICU stays, and mortality rates among individuals with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Given that ARDS is a common complication of critically ill COVID-19 patients, these findings suggest a potential positive impact.

Another critical parameter in assessing COVID-19 severity, particularly in critically ill patients, is coagulation ability. Non-survivors of COVID-19 are often those with heightened platelet aggregation and activation, resulting in a higher risk of life-threatening blood clotting. A study involving a moderate intake of three omega-3-rich fish species over 18 days showed improved bleeding time and reduced platelet aggregation, potentially decreasing thrombosis risk among COVID-19 patients. Similarly, a study supplementing healthy subjects with EPA for four weeks demonstrated decreased platelet activation, an early step in platelet aggregation.

In conclusion, the administration or consumption of EPA and DHA could potentially aid critically ill COVID-19 patients. However, using EPA and DHA as a prophylactic among healthy individuals requires further investigation due to the limited understanding of the virus's pathology and its interaction with patients' characteristics during recovery. Therefore, it's advisable to conduct randomized controlled trials that consider supplementation type, dosage, individual characteristics, adverse effects, and potential combinations with medication and antioxidants.


  1. National Institute of Health (NIH). Office of Dietary Supplements. Fact sheet for consumer. Omega 3 Fatty Acids. (Accessed on Feb 4, 2021).

  2. National Institute of Health (NIH). Office of Dietary Supplements. Fact sheet for Health Professionals. Omega 3 Fatty Acids. (Accessed on Feb 4, 2021).

  3. Nourish by WebMD. What to know about Omega 3 and fish? Annie Stuart. (Accessed on Feb 4, 2021).

  4. Rogero, M. M., Leão, M. D. C., Santana, T. M., de MB Pimentel, M. V., Carlini, G. C., da Silveira, T. F.& Castro, I. A. (2020). Potential benefits and risks of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation to patients with COVID-19. Free Radical Biology and Medicine.


Can diet boost imunity?

With regards to COVID-19, many people have started to consume foods that they believe will help their immune systems. Citrus fruits, chicken soup, tea with honey, probiotics and prebiotics, and many others are examples of foods that are commonly associated with immune boosters. However, research has shown that the design of our immune system is rather complex and influenced by an ideal balance of many factors, not just diet, and especially not by any one specific food or nutrient. However, a balanced diet consisting of a range of vitamins and minerals, combined with healthy lifestyle factors like adequate sleep, exercise, and low stress, most effectively primes the body to fight infections and diseases, including COVID-19!

What is immunity?


Immunity refers to the system in the body that protects the body from harm. The immune system is a network of intricate stages and pathways in the body that protects us against these harmful microbes as well as certain diseases. It recognised foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, and parasites and took immediate action against them. There are two types of immunity in the human body: innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity refers to the body's first line of defence from pathogens that try to enter the body, achieved through protective barriers such as skin, mucus that traps pathogens, stomach acid that destroys pathogens, and enzymes in our sweat and tears that help to create antibacterial compounds. While adaptive immunity is a system that learns to recognise a pathogen, When a foreign substance enters the body, our body creates antibodies that fight the foreign substance, and not only that, it also adapts by remembering the foreign substance so that if it enters again, these antibodies will be more efficient and quicker to destroy it.



Immune-boosting diet?


Well, frankly speaking, as mentioned above, no particular food can prevent an individual from getting disease. It is through variety, moderation, and a balanced diet that individuals may achieve a diet that will prevent them from getting various kinds of diseases, be they chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases or infectious diseases like COVID-19. However, certain dietary patterns may better prepare the body for microbial attacks and excess inflammation. Each stage of the body’s immune response relies on the presence of many micronutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, iron, and protein. And all these nutrients can be found in a variety of foods.


Diets that are limited in variety and lower in nutrients, such as processed foods, can negatively affect a healthy immune system. Research also shows that a typical western diet that is high in refined sugar and red meat and low in fruits and vegetables can cause disturbances in healthy intestinal microorganisms, resulting in chronic inflammation of the gut and being associated with suppressed immune health.


Steps to support a healthy immune system


  1. Eat a balanced diet that is rich in whole fruits (guava, orange, and kiwi), vegetables (green leafy vegetables), lean, fresh protein, whole grains, and plenty of water.

  2. If a balanced diet is not readily accessible or your lifestyle does not promote healthy eating, consider taking a multivitamin containing nutrients sufficient for everyday use. Talk to your healthcare provider for advice on a suitable multivitamin for you. You may talk to us as well!

  3. Do not smoke (it will increase inflammation), and drink alcohol in moderation.

  4. Perform regular exercise (30–45 minutes of exercise on most days of the week is sufficient).

  5. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Try to keep a sleep schedule; waking up and going to bed around the same time each day will help with our body clock (circadian rhythm). Having a good circadian rhythm makes it easier for individuals to enter deep sleep (restful sleep).

  6. Manage stress. This is easier said than done, but try to find some healthy strategies for managing your stress. These can be exercise, meditation, journaling, or talking to a trusted friend. Another tip is to practise regular conscious breathing when feelings of stress, overwhelm, or anxiety arise.

  7. Wash hands throughout the day, especially after touching surfaces, when coming in from the outdoors, before and after preparing food, after using the toilet, and after coughing or blowing your nose.

  8. Lastly, practise social distance and wear a mask when you are outside.




  1. Harvard Health. Nutrition and Immunity.    (Accessed on Feb 9, 2021)
  2. Cleveland Clinic. Health essentials. 3 Vitamins that are best for boosting your immunity. (Accessed on Feb 9, 2021).
  3. 9 Ways to boost your body’s natural defences.

Boost your kids’ immune health

In this pandemic COVID19 era, people have started to consume foods which can boost their immunity. People have started to practice wearing mask in public, normalize social distancing and some even goes to the extent of not exposing children in public places for the fear of virus spreading. We know that children are even fragile than us adult, thus taking extra care for them especially children who fall sick easily is a must for parents in this COVID19 situation. Here we share with you some tips that you can practice to boost your children immunity system!
  • Guard against germ spread.


Fighting germs does not technically boost immunity, but it is a great way to reduce stress on your child’s immune system. Make sure your children wash their hands often (with soap) especially before and after using toilet, before and after meals, after playing outside, arrive home from day care, handling pets, or blowing their nose. To cultivate the habits, you may also let them pick up their own choice of handkerchief, soap, and scents!


You must also always make sure that your hands are clean before you touch them!


Whenever you are bringing them outside make sure you carry antibacterial disposable wet wipes with you for your quick clean ups. Oh, you may also practice to let your children wear face shield if you are outside or in public area if they cannot wear mask yet! Make sure to sanitize or clean the face shield frequently and keep it properly as well!


Another key germ busting strategy according to health professionals is whenever your child is sick throw away their toothbrush as the germs from outside or from the toothbrush can hop from toothbrush to toothbrush infecting other family members. If it is a bacterial infection, such as strep throat, your child can reinfect themselves with the same germs that got them sick in the first place. In that case, tossing the toothbrush protects both your child and the rest of your family.


  • Make sure your children eat healthily.


It is normal for kids to dislike healthy foods if the parents dislike it, or rarely consume it! If you feel like your children eating habit are more into unhealthy habit check back your food preference most of the times it is a reflection!


Try to eat healthily as much as you can, make sure that every main mealtime there is vegetables and fruit serve for your whole family, it can be just a simple blanched carrot and broccoli, or it can be stir fried vegetables or it can be simply raw salad with dressings! If your children are okay with consuming vegetables and fruits in every main mealtime, start introducing healthy snacks using fruits and vegetables as well.



They may eat cakes, biscuits, and dessert occasionally still! If your children are still below 6 months young, try to breastfeed them as much as you can, as breastmilk has naturals antibody which is passed from mothers to baby which is beneficial for children during this pandemic situation.


Apart from vegetables and fruits, consuming yogurt which contains high amount of probiotics and prebiotics also helps with immune health.


  •  Boost sleep time!


Studies show that sleep deprivation make individuals more susceptible to illness by reducing natural killer cells (immune-system weapons that attack microbes and cancer cells). Required sleeping hours for children is vary according to their age, but on average children need to nap during the day for at least one hour and sleep throughout the night for at least 10 hours.


Try to help your children into having a fixed routine helps with their sleeping time. Try to tone down screen time and makes them do a lot of physical activity in the evening also helps with sleeping earlier during the night. Children who does not nap during the day may sleep even earlier at night according to expert, but still nap is important for children, which is why try to cultivate habits which makes them easier to nap during the day. This will not only be beneficial for their immunity but as well as for their growth and development.





  1. 7 Ways to Boost Immunity for your child’s Immunity. (Accessed on Feb 15, 2021).
  1. Cleveland Clinic. Health Essentials. How to boost your kids’ immunity heading into the new school year. (Accessed on Feb 15, 2021).
  2. Grow by WebMD. Immunity bosting snacks for kids. (Accessed on Feb 15, 2021).

Children and repeated infections

Whenever a child frequently being infected it makes parents worry a lot. According to study on average children get infected about 4 to 8 times annually. A big why for this is because they spend most their time at school or in day-care centers where they are in close contact with other kids most of the day. Also, it partly because kids are not conscientious enough about covering sneezing with elbow or frequent hand washing. Apart from this, it is also because their young immune systems are still developing and not strong enough to fight colds.

However, it is not practical to avoid your children from all the exposure altogether since exposure to all these things are somewhat things that build up their immune health stronger and better, but we must control the exposure and make sure that their immune health is strong enough to fight the infection.


Here are some of the tips which you may practice to help your children to stay as healthy as possible:


  • Make sure that your child get all the required vaccines under the National Immunization Program. You may also add more vaccines based on your child condition and needs but talk to your pediatrician first!



  • Make sure that your child is getting the nutrition that they need to help them with their immune system. Ensure that your child get enough protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Minimize sugar and processed foods as their tummy is only little if they fill it with all these unhealthy stuff they will have no appetite anymore for nutritious foods. Encourage children to consume fruits such as orange, kiwi, and guava that is rich with vitamin C. Limit the intake of dessert, sugary drinks, sausage, meatballs etc.



  • Discourage the habit of thumb sucking or using pacifier as your infant gets older, as a contaminated finger, thumb, or pacifier can be a route for germs transmission which can lead to infection.


  • Always keep your child’s utensils and bottle clean. If you are still breastfeeding your child, or is using breastmilk pump, make sure you frequently boiled it, or steam all the equipments.


  • Try to instils good hygiene practice since young, such as wash hands as soon as reach home, after going to the toilet, and whenever they sneeze or cough and covered it with their hand.



Most importantly, understand that frequent infections are very common in the first two years of life especially if they are in day care with many other children and after they no longer breastfed. All in all, all these will help them to make their immune health better but at the same time as a parents we need to help the children to build their immune health by providing nutritious foods, clean environment and instill good hygiene practice.


Probiotics and COVID-19

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines probiotics as live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer health benefits on the host. It can be found in fermented foods (e.g., yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, and kimchi), dietary supplements, and cosmetics.

Probiotics can contain a wide range of microorganisms. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the most common. Other bacteria, such as Saccharomyces boulardii, are also used as probiotics.

According to research, different types of bacteria have different effects on the human body. As a result, selecting the right strains and types of probiotics is critical for it to work on the said health concern.


How do probiotics aid in health maintenance?

There are a variety of ‘bugs’ that coexist naturally in the body, such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses; these are what scientists refer to as the microbiome. In the body of a healthy person, all these bugs coexist peacefully. The role of the microbiome is to promote the smooth daily operation of the human body. However, conditions such as infectious illness, a certain diet, and prolonged use of antibiotics and/or other bacteria-destroying medications can make the body more susceptible to diseases.

Due to this, scientists believe that consumption of probiotics influences the colonisation process of bacteria, which can lead to a speedy restoration of a healthy microbiome and a lower risk of getting sick

Probiotics and COVID-19

Probiotics are linked with COVID-19 due to their ability to boost the immune system. Currently, the most extensive research on probiotics includes Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, etc. Although probiotics mechanisms profoundly focus on the gastrointestinal tract, their effects are not confined to the digestive system alone. Probiotics can act on the entire body via immune modulation. Not only that, it also facilitates the immune system's development and maturation and regulates the interaction between host and pathogen by killing the pathogen and regulating the immune responses towards it.

One could argue that, but COVID-19 is a viral infection, not a bacterial infection. A systematic review described the efficacy of probiotics against viral diseases, with over 20 strains of probiotics demonstrating anti-inflammatory effects on the body and antibody production against viruses.

Furthermore, the study discovered that probiotics supplementation reduced viral loads. This is thought to be due to immune modulation by microbiota, which fights COVID-19 directly and reduces the risk of secondary infections caused by prolonged antibiotic exposure from multiple experimental COVID-19 treatments.

China’s National Health Commission recommended probiotics for severe COVID-19 patients to restore the intestinal balance and protect from secondary infections. Moreover, gut microbiota’s role in modulating lung diseases has been demonstrated.

In conclusion, the researchers in this study believe that many more studies on the effectiveness of using probiotics for COVID-19 prevention and treatment should be conducted. Individuals may now benefit from probiotics rich foods and supplementation for its boosting immunity properties and fight against COVID-19, in addition to practising social distancing, wearing masks, and adhering to standard operating procedures (SOP).



  1. Kurian, S. J., Unnikrishnan, M. K., Miraj, S. S., Bagchi, D., Banerjee, M., Reddy, B. S., Rodrigues, G. S., Manu, M. K., Saravu, K., Mukhopadhyay, C., & Rao, M. (2021). Probiotics in Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19: Current Perspective and Future Prospects. Archives of medical research52(6), 582–594.

Asthma in Children

What is asthma in children?


Asthma is a major non-communicable disease (NCD), affecting children and adults. It is a condition in which the airway in the lung narrows due to inflammation and tightening of the muscle surrounding the small airway. As a result, asthma symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness developed. These symptoms are usually on and off, while the asthma disease itself is a long-term condition. Asthma triggers vary from person to person, but they can also be due to a viral infection (cold), dust, smoke, fumes, changes in the weather, grass and tree pollen, feathers, strong soap, perfume, animal fur, and many more.


Causes of asthma in children. 


Although it is often difficult to find a single, direct cause, it is believed to have multiple complex causes. Many factors have been linked to an increased risk of developing asthma, such as

  • Have a close family member with asthma and/or eczema, such as parents or siblings
  • Have other allergic conditions such as rhinitis, etc.
  • Urbanization is associated with increased asthma prevalence, probably due to multiple lifestyle factors.
  • Events in early life affect the developing lungs and can increase the risk of asthma. These include low birth weight, premature birth, exposure to tobacco smoke and other sources of air pollution, as well as viral respiratory infections.
  • Exposure to a range of environmental allergens and irritants is also thought to increase the risk of asthma, including indoor and outdoor air pollution, house dust mites, molds, and occupational exposure to chemicals, fumes, or dust. 


Prevention & Control of asthma


Asthma cannot be cured, but good management with inhaled medications can control the disease and enable people with asthma to enjoy a normal, active life.


There are two main types of inhalers:


  • Bronchodilators (such as Salbutamol), that open the air passages and relieve symptoms
  • Steroids (such as Beclomethasone), that reduce inflammation in the air passages. This improves asthma symptoms and reduce the risk of severe asthma attack and death.

People with asthma may need to use an inhaler every day. Their treatment will depend on the frequency of symptoms and the types of inhalers available.


It can be difficult to coordinate breathing using an inhaler, especially for children and during emergency situations. Using a "spacer" device makes it easier to use an aerosol inhaler and helps the medicine reach the lung more effectively.

People with asthma may need to use an inhaler every day. Their treatment will depend on the frequency of symptoms and the types of inhalers available.

It can be difficult to coordinate breathing using an inhaler, especially for children and during emergency situations. Using a "spacer" device makes it easier to use an aerosol inhaler and helps the medicine reach the lung more effectively. 

Other than this, it is also best to avoid triggers for asthma. Triggers vary from person to person; as asthmatic children grow; parents should be able to identify things that trigger their asthma attack. It can be as simple as changes in weather, temperature, etc.

In conclusion, since asthma is a lifelong disease, it is best to manage or control it by avoiding triggers in children and by adhering to the medication based on a doctor's suggestion.


  1. World Health Organization (WHO). Asthma.
  2. Mayo Clinic. Childhood Asthma.
  3. Better Health Chanel. Asthma in children.




Fueling Energy: Vitamins and Minerals for the Busy Working Adult

In today’s fast-paced world, working adults often struggle to maintain energy levels amid demanding schedules. Proper nutrition, particularly a balance of key vitamins and minerals, is essential for sustaining vitality and focus throughout the day.

B Complex Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12) are the cornerstone of energy production in the body. Each vitamin plays a unique role in maintaining energy and overall well-being:

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) helps convert carbohydrates into energy and supports nerve function, essential for mental alertness.
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) assists in breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, while also acting as an antioxidant to fight fatigue-inducing oxidative stress.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) aids in over 200 enzymatic reactions, particularly those involved in energy production and repairing DNA.
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) is critical for producing coenzyme A, a compound needed to metabolize fats and carbs for energy.
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) supports neurotransmitter production, promoting brain health and reducing fatigue.
  • Vitamin B7 (Biotin) plays a role in metabolizing macronutrients, ensuring a steady energy supply.
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate) and B12 (Cobalamin) work together to produce healthy red blood cells, ensuring oxygen is efficiently delivered to tissues for sustained physical and mental energy.

Vitamin C, often celebrated for its immune-boosting properties, also contributes to energy by combating oxidative stress, a major factor in fatigue. It supports the adrenal glands, which play a significant role in managing stress and maintaining energy levels.

Selenium and Zinc are powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage while aiding the function of enzymes involved in energy metabolism. They are crucial for immune health, indirectly ensuring that energy isn’t drained by frequent illnesses.

Choline, a lesser-known but essential nutrient, plays a dual role in energy and mental focus. It is a key component in the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter critical for memory, learning, and muscle control. By supporting brain and nervous system health, choline helps working adults stay mentally sharp during demanding tasks. Furthermore, it assists in fat metabolism, providing a steady energy supply for prolonged periods.

Lastly, Colostrum, rich in growth factors and antibodies, not only boosts immunity but also promotes gut health. A healthy gut enhances nutrient absorption, directly impacting energy availability.

Incorporating these nutrients through diet or supplementation can help working adults maintain peak performance, physically and mentally. Combined with proper hydration, exercise, and rest, they create a solid foundation for sustained energy in the hustle of daily life.


Masa Untuk Berhenti Merokok

Pertubuhan Kesihatan Dunia (WHO) telah mewartakan bahawa merokok merupakan risiko yang spesifik bagi komplikasi COVID-19 (1,2). Hal ini adalah kerana, jika virus korona menyerang tubuh badan individu yang merokok, peratus untuk individu tersebut pulih lebih rendah berbanding dengan individu yang tidak merokok manakala peratus untuk individu tersebut untuk mengalami kegagalan paru – paru yang serius pula adalah tinggi.


Umum mengetahui, COVID-19 adalah virus yang menyerang sistem pernafasan, jadi, individu yang merokok atau yang mempunyai masalah pernafasan dan/atau sakit – sakit kronik yang lain seperti masalah jantung, buah pinggang, kencing manis dan lain -lain jika terdedah kepada virus ini, mempunyai sebanyak 80.7% risiko kematian berbanding individu yang tidak menghidapi penyakit kronik (3).


Statistik juga menunjukkan bahawa, warga emas yang berusia 60 tahun ke atas mempunyai lebih 62.6% risiko kematian jika terdedah kepada virus ini berbanding individu berusia 60 tahun ke bawah (3). Lebih menakutkan lagi, jika individu yang berusia 60 tahun ke atas, dan mempunyai sejarah penyakit kronik terdedah kepada virus ini, risiko menghadapi kematian adalah sangat tinggi berbanding dengan individu yang yang berusia kurang dari 60 tahun dan tidak mempunyai sejarah  penyakit kronik.


Tabiat merokok itu sendiri yang menyebabkan individu  berisiko terdedah kepada pelbagai jenis komplikasi kesihatan, akan tetapi sebelum ini mungkin perokok menghadapi kesukaran untuk berhenti merokok disebabkan faktor rakan sekeliling, tekanan kerja dan sebagainya. Akan tetapi oleh kerana dunia diancam dengan wabak COVID-19, individu yang merokok mempunyai lebih sebab untuk berhenti merokok kerana anda mempunya risiko yang lebih tinggi terdedah kematian jika terdedah kepada virus ini.


Antara cara untuk berhenti merokok, yang telah dikumpulkan oleh Pengkalan Data Cochchrane Edisi Istimewa, mengenai cara – cara berhenti merokok adalah dengan menggunakan terapi kombinasi, iaitu penggunaan ubat dan juga sokongan moral (4).


Penggunaan Ubat – Ubatan seperti Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) telah digunakan sebagai salah satu cara untuk berhenti merokok sekian lama. Terapi ini adalah bagi tujuan untuk menggantikan kebergantungan perokok kepada nikotin dan seterusnya menggurangkan motivasi perokok untuk terus merokok. Ia juga membantu mengawal kesan sampingan berhenti rokok/ kurang merokok (4).


Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) ini memberikan nikotin dalam dos yang rendah kepada perokok tanpa apa apa bahan merbahaya yang lain seperti yang terdapat di dalam rokok. Terdapat pelbagai jenis Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) dipasaran, iaitu sama ada dengan menggunakan  gula getah nikotin (nicotine gum), ‘nicotine inhaler’, ‘nicotine lozenge’, ‘nicotine patch’ atau ‘nicotine nasal spray’. Kesemua jenis produk ini mempunyai dos, cara, dan kekuatan yang berbeza (5).


Produk bagi terapi nikotin telah direka dengan pelbagai jenis mekanisma untuk penyerapan dan perembesan nikotin di dalam badan. Sebagai contoh bagi gula getah nikotin, inhaler nikotin, lozenge nikotin dan nasal spray nikotin, ia memberi kesan kepada otak dengan lebih cepat berbanding nicotine patch akan tetapi mempunyai  proses perembesan yang lebih lambat  berbanding merokok (5). Nicotine patch pula merembeskan dos nikotin secara perlahan – lahan dan secara pasif, oleh kerana itu terapi  nicotin patch biasanya digunakan bersama produk yang lain.


Kepelbagaian produk bagi membantu perokok berhenti merokok memberikan perokok beberapa pilihan untuk berhenti merokok dengan kaedah yang paling sesuai, berdasarkan kekerapan perokok merokok dan kebergantungan perokok kepada rokok tersebut (4,5). Kesemua produk ini berkesan jika digunakan mengikut kesesuaian terhadap tahap aktiviti merokok seseorang individu. (5).


Selain daripada penggunaan ubat – ubatan, terdapat beberapa langkah yang biasanya disyorkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), iaitu yang pertama ialah dengan membaca atau mendapatkan informasi mengenai bahaya rokok dari sumber yang sahih, berkenaan bahaya merokok dan kelebihan berhenti merokok.


Terdapat banyak kelebihan berhenti merokok kerana merokok memberi banyak keburukan kepada diri sendiri dan orang sekeliling terutama ahli keluarga, sebagai contoh kanak – kanak yang selalu terdedah kepada asap rokok atau asap rokok basi akan lebih sering sakit seperti batuk – batuk, selsema serta jangkitan telinga, hidung dan tekak. Merokok juga boleh membuatkan paru – paru lemah dan penyakit seperti asma (6).


Selain daripada aspek kesihatan bagi orang yang tersayang, merokok juga boleh menyebabkan anda mendapat pelbagai jenis penyakit seperti, kanser paru – paru,  penyakit paru – paru yang kronik, strok dan ulser di bahagian bawah lapisan kulit perut. Individu yang merokok juga mengikut statistik mati lebih awal, kerana statistik menunjukan satu dari dua orang perokok mati disebabkan penyakit berkaitan merokok (6).


Tabiat berhenti merokok juga dapat menjimatkan wang, labur wang anda berbanding membeli rokok sebagai contoh

Wang untuk membeli rokok = RM5.00/sehari

Sebulan = RM 150.00

Setahun = RM 1800.00

Jika anda melabur untuk 10 tahun, anda sudah mempunyai RM18,000.00 dalam akaun simpanan anda) (6).

Selain, Ia juga dapat melindungi alam sekitar – Puntung rokok dibuang oleh perokok boleh menyebabkan kebakaran (6).


Terdapat pelbagai kaedah untuk berhenti merokok. Faktor yang paling penting adalah keinginan anda untuk menjadikannya satu kenyataan. Mula dengan menetapkan tarikh untuk berhenti merokok dan pastikan tarikh tersebut boleh dicapai. Dalam pada masa yang sama, anda mesti yakin dengan keupayaan diri untuk berhenti merokok. Katakan pada diri anda “saya bukan perokok” Ulang beberapa kali sehingga menjadi semangat untuk berhenti merokok. Sentiasa berfikiran positif dan dapatkan sokongan daripada orang sekeliling.


Teknik berhenti merokok yang paling selalu digunakan dan disyorkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) ialah dengan mengamalkan Teknik 12M (6).


1. Melengah – lengahkan

Sebagai contoh jika anda terasa seperti mahu merokok, lengah – lengahkan tabiat tersebut seperti  tunggu 5 minit atau katakan kepada diri sendiri sebentar lagi “saya akan merokok”.

2. Menarik Nafas Panjang

Tarik nafas 3 kali secara perlahan-lahan. Ulangi perkara yang sama sehingga hilang rasa untuk merokok.

3. Minum air

Anda juga boleh mencuba untuk minum air masak bagi mengalihkan perhatian anda dari tertumpu kepada ketagihan rokok.

4. Menyibukan diri

Buat sesuatu bagi mengalih fikiran untuk melupakan rokok. Buat perkara yang dapat mengalihkan tumpuan anda seperti bersenam atau bermain permainan video.

5. Menjauhkan diri daripada perokok

Oleh kerana  musim PKP ini adalah masa yang terbaik untuk berhenti merokok. Anda boleh menjauhkan diri anda dari rakan – rakan dan ahli keluarga yang merokok, gunakan masa yang ada untuk bersama keluarga tersayang.

6. Mengelakkan diri daripada suasana atau situasi yang mendorong kepada merokok

Seperti keadaan berseorangan tanpa berbuat apa – apa (keadaan bosan) atau keadaan tertekan. 

7. Mengunyah sesuatu seperti gula getah atau buah-buahan.

Mengunyah dapat membuatkan rongga mulut sibuk dan mengalihkan perhatian dari ketagihan rokok. Elakkan makanan yang manis kerana ia memberi risiko kepada penyakit – penyakit kronik yang lain pula.

8. Membasuh tangan selalu

Membasuh tangan dengan kerap juga dapat menghilangkan ketagihan kerana kita telah mengalihkan perhatian kita daripada keinginan untuk merokok.

9. Mandi dengan kerap

Mandi dengan kerap menyebabkan badan menjadi segar dan dapat melupakan ketagihan yang di alami, seketika.

10. Meregangkan otot

Senaman yang atau regangan otot apabila ketagihan untuk merokok datang dapat menghindarkan diri dari merokok.

11. Meditasi

Meditasi menyebabkan kita ingat kembali sebab – sebab untuk kita berhenti merokok dan boleh membangkitkan kembali semangat kita untuk berhenti merokok.

12. Memohon doa

Memohon doa agar rasa ketagihan dihilangkan dan dipermudahkan urusan untuk berhenti merokok seperti dihindarkan dari perkara – perkara yang boleh menyebabkan keinginan untuk merokok untuk kembali.


Selain daripada langkah - langkah yang telah disyorkan anda juga boleh mendapatkan maklumat yang lebih lanjut di laman sesawang KKM. Terdapat banyak bahan – bahan rujukan cara untuk berhenti merokok yang boleh di muat turun di laman sesawang yang sahih seperti di Portal MyHealth Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM)(5). Selain dari bahan – bahan sokongan yang boleh di muat turun, terdapat juga nombor QuitLine yang boleh dihubungi di nombor 03-88834400 bagi keterangan lanjut mengenai cara berhenti merokok dari kaunselor berhenti merokok atau layari laman web (4,5).



  1. The Star. Stub It Out Now, Smoking and Added Health Risk for COVID19. (Diakses 17 April 2020).

  2. The Star. Smokers face high infection rate. (Diakses 17 April 2020).

  3. Ketua Pengarah Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). From the desk of the Director General of Health Malaysia. (Diakses 17 April 2020)

  4. Cochrane. COVID-19 Resources. (Diakses 17 April 2020)

  5. Portal Rasmi My Health Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. (Diakses 17 April 2020)

  6. Info Sihat. Bahagian Pendidikan Kesihatan. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). (Diakses 17 April 2020)


Understanding How Fasting Affects your Digestive System

Fasting, a practice embraced across various cultures and religions, offers a myriad of benefits for physical and mental well-being. While commonly associated with religious observances like Ramadan or Yom Kippur, fasting has also gained traction in health and wellness circles for its potential to detoxify the body, enhance focus, and regenerate immune cells.

Benefits of Fasting
During fasting, the body enters a state called glucogenesis, where it uses stored energy from fats and glucose, promoting weight management and detoxification. This process not only helps to eliminate toxins but also boosts the production of endorphins, enhancing mood and mental clarity. Additionally, fasting allows the digestive system to rest, potentially improving overall gut health.

Fasting and Digestive Challenges
Despite its benefits, fasting can sometimes lead to digestive discomforts like heartburn and indigestion. Reduced food intake lowers stomach acid, which helps digest food and fight bacteria. However, stimuli such as the smell of food or thinking about meals can trigger acid production, potentially causing heartburn. Overeating during iftar or breaking a fast too quickly may also overwhelm the digestive system, leading to bloating or indigestion.

Practical Tips to Prevent Discomfort

  1. Break Your Fast Gradually: Begin with light, easily digestible foods such as dates, soups, or yogurt, followed by balanced meals.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water before and after fasting periods helps maintain hydration and aids digestion.
  3. Mindful Eating: Avoid overeating, especially during meals after fasting. Practice portion control to ease the digestive workload.
  4. Support Digestive Health: Incorporate supplements like MegaLive GastoEz to address occasional heartburn or indigestion.

Fasting is a holistic practice that nurtures the body, mind, and spirit. By adopting mindful eating habits and addressing potential challenges, you can enjoy its benefits while minimizing discomfort, making the experience both fulfilling and healthful.




Medical News Today (n.d). What Happens If You Don’t Eat For A Day? Timeline And Effects. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 April 2020].


Medical News Today (n.d). Fasting: Health Benefits And Risks. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 29 April 2020].


Organic Food: Is It Truly Healthier?

Globally, there is a growing demand for organic food (1). However, in Malaysia, the organic food industry remains relatively small, with over 60% of organic food products being imported (2). This trend is changing as consumers become increasingly concerned about nutrition, health, and food quality. Key concerns are arising due to food crises related to pesticide residues on fresh produce, chemical contamination in dairy and seafood products, and the unregulated use of additives in processed foods (2).

Moreover, the rise in obesity, type 2 diabetes, and coronary heart disease has made people more aware of the impact of their dietary habits on their health. Some individuals also opt for organic produce due to environmental concerns and the threats posed by the use of pesticides in conventional farming (2).

Many consumers perceive organic produce as being healthier because it avoids synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. However, does this perception hold true? Is safe food equivalent to healthy food?

Before delving further, let's clarify what organic produce means:

"Organic farming employs natural methods to manage crops. Natural fertilizers like manure and compost are used to nourish the soil and plants, as opposed to synthetic fertilizers. Some go to great lengths to ensure that the manure comes from organically raised animals and the compost is derived from waste materials at organic locations. Instead of using chemicals and insecticides, organic farms use natural ingredients like enzymes or plant-based pesticides. They also practice companion planting, where certain plants known to repel insects, such as marigolds, are grown near crops (3,4)."

In Malaysia, the Department of Agriculture (DOA) is responsible for regulating the National Standard of the Organic Food Industry and conducts routine inspections and certification of organic produce. The Malaysia Agriculture Research and Development Institute (MARDI) actively engages in educating farmers on organic farming practices (2).

Hence, organic produce isn't necessarily healthier but does have lower levels of pesticide residue due to environmentally friendly farming practices compared to conventional produce (4). Studies indicate that organic produce contains one-third of the pesticide residue found in conventional produce on the market (4). However, both types of produce have safe levels of pesticide residue, making them suitable for consumption.

Determining whether a specific food is healthy cannot solely depend on whether it is grown organically or conventionally. Several factors come into play. It's crucial to remember that there is no universally "healthy" food; what's healthy for one person may not be for another. Even the same food can be considered healthy or unhealthy based on portion consumption. For instance, chicken is healthy, but consuming two whole chickens daily is not. Healthy food is a concept encompassing moderation, nutritional value, dietary variety, balance, and individual health or medical conditions.



To assess the actual impact of organic food consumption on health, a systematic review was conducted on the nutritional-related health effects of organic foods, with a focus on whether organic production methods resulted in higher nutrient concentrations and different health responses, such as cancer markers or the bioavailability of compounds used in cancer prevention (1).

The results of this review, which compared 12 studies, primarily reported antioxidant activity. While antioxidant activity is a valuable biomarker potentially relevant to human health, it isn't a direct health outcome. In fact, the link between the concentration of antioxidants and human health is complex, requiring cautious interpretation (1).

In summary, it is safe to assert that organic food is safer to consume compared to conventional produce in terms of pesticide residues. However, when considering the overall healthiness of food, it is important to emphasize moderation, variety, and balance in one's diet. Organic or not, these principles remain central to a healthy dietary lifestyle.




  1. Dahgour D., Lock K., Hayter A., Aikenhead A., Allen E., Uauy R. (2010). Nutriton – Related Effects of Organic Foods: A systematic Review. American Society for Nutritions Journal. 2020; 92: 203-10
  2. Somasundram C., Razali Z., Santhirasegaran V., (2016). A Review on Organic Food Production in Malaysia. Horticulturae (MDPI)
  3. Datuk Dr, Nor Ashikin Mokhtar. The Star. Understanding Organic labels (2014).  (Accessed May 4, 2020)
  4. Is Organic Food Better For You (n.d). (Accessed May 4, 2020).

Tips to eat healthily while fasting in Ramadhan

Ramadhan is the month where Muslims around the world fast from dawn to dusk. Healthy Muslims need to fast, begin with the pre-dawn meal called ‘suhoor’ and break the fast at dusk which call ‘iftar’. Apart from Ramadhan, there are many other occasions where other religions around the world are also practicing fasting. The difference is only the method and the do’s and don’ts during the ritual. Since according to World Health Organization (WHO) there is evidence suggests that fasting have positive effects on health (1), there are also people who fast in order to lose weight (E.g: Intermittent fasting) and for health purposes.

What happened to your body during fasting?


During fasting, when no food and drink is consumed, body uses its stored carbohydrate (in the liver and muscles)  provide energy. Once all the calories from foods consumed have been used up, body will use the excess food that we consume in the form triglycerides (fat) to provide us with energy. This is when people usually loss weight.


Our body cannot store water so during fasting the kidneys conserve as much water as possible by reducing the amount lost in urine. However, body cannot avoid losing some water during certain process in the body such as through your skin (perspiration) and when you breathe (2).


Due to all these changes during fasting, we must to make sure that we practice healthy eating during fasting in order to make sure body that our body is able to cope with all this changing process by not losing nutrient needed but instead loss the unwanted fats, sugars, and cholesterol in the body.


4 Tips to eat healthily while fasting in Ramadhan


1.Do not skip ‘suhoor’


This is especially for special groups such as older people, adolescents, pregnant women, nursing mothers and as well as children who choose to fast. The meal for ‘suhoor’ must include vegetables, high fiber food can slow down the empty rates on the stomach and make individuals feel satiety. A serving of carbohydrates such as rice or bread (whole grain product is better) and protein – rich food such as egg or/ and dairy product are also a must.


Since ‘suhoor’ is very early in the morning and mostly people do not bother to cook for long time, thus people opt to fry their food, it is healthier to fry using air fryer where less fat (oil) is used, but apart from frying it is actually recommended to use other cooking method such as steaming or just stir fry since it use less oil.


During ‘suhoor’ also people tend to cook processed food such as sausages, nuggets etc, all these processed food actually contain high salt, it is better to avoid food that is high in salt, cause it will also makes one very thirsty later, thus food such as pickle, processed foods, salted meat and fish products, salty cheese and various types of ready-to-eat foods are best to avoid (1,2).


2. Keep hydrated

Make sure to drink 8 glass of water per day, still. Here is tip on how to drink 8 glass of water in Ramadhan according to Ministry of Health Malaysia (3).

Other than this, you can also increase water intake by consuming hydrating food. Try to add hydrating food such as watermelon, cucumber, tomato and green salad. You must also avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and cola, because caffeinated beverages are diuretic (which means it makes one urinate more often when consumed) this will lead to dehydration as well. Soupy food also rich in water thus it is suggested to consume this kind of food when break the fast. During the day of the fasting period, when the temperature is high (E.g: noon) it is important to remain in a cool and shaded place and to avoid the sun (1,2).

3. Break the fast gently


When it is time for break the fast, avoid filling up on greasy foods in the form of cakes and deep-fried savory snacks. It is best to go for dates, fruit or nuts to satisfy your hunger. If you often get caught in the rush hour traffic, consider keeping these preferred choices handy in small containers in your handbag or backpack so you do not have to delay your breaking of fast. This will prevent you from getting overly famished at dinner after the prayers, where you risk overeating and causing indigestion (4).


In Islam also, it is a sunnah habit to consume dates when break the fast;



You may also try to consume date and water to break fast and perform maghrib prayer first, then only begin to eat  heavy meals, just as the suggestion from Ministry of Health Malaysia.


4. Moderation and variation


The changes to eating habits and lack of fluids during the day may cause constipation for some people. When you can eat and drink, consume plenty of high fiber foods, such as wholegrains, high fiber cereals, bran, fruit and vegetables, beans, lentils, dried fruit and nuts alongside plenty of fluids will help to ease constipation. Do some light physical activity, such as going for a walk after iftar or right before iftar in the evening will also helps with the constipation and indigestion after iftar.


While Ramadhan is time for people to reunite however during the pandemic of COVID19 it is best for people to not make a celebratory feast together. Iftar meals are often a time for celebration (of the day that you have successfully refrain yourself from eating and drinking) but it is still important not to go overboard when eating during Ramadan. Consuming a lot of deep fried, creamy and sweet foods may cause you to gain weight during Ramadan. Ramadan can be a good time to make changes to improve the balance of your diet that you can sustain in the longer term.


Be moderate in preparing ‘iftar’ and ‘suhoor’ menu. Moderation is the key when you go for grocery shopping as well. You can also practice ‘suku – suku separuh’ during ‘suhoor’ and ‘iftar’.



1. World Health Organization (WHO) (2020). Dietary Recommendation for the month of Ramadhan. (Accessed May 8, 2020)

2. British Nutrition Foundation (n.d). A healthy Ramadhan. (Accessed May 8, 2020)

3. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang.  (Accessed May 8, 2020).

4. Indra Balaratnam (2018). New Straits Times (NST). Eat Well Healthy Eating for Ramadhan (Accessed May 8, 2020).


5 Tips for Hari Raya Aidilfitri to be celebrated with the new norms!

It has been almost two months that Malaysians persevered under the Movement Control Order (MCO), and then the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO).The order by the government, enforced since March 18, was to break the chain of the COVID-19 infection in the country. As for now, the curve is getting flatter, with Malaysia ranked fourth out of 105 countries in terms of people’s satisfaction with the government’s efforts in addressing the pandemic (1,2).

With this being said, the number of cases daily is also decreasing and the number of people whom have cured from COVID19 also is increasing,  with many new cluster has been surfaced, thus on May 11, 2020, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin, announced that the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) is extended until 9 June 2020 (1,2).


This brings sadness to many as the Hari Raya Aidilfitri is approaching, and the interstate travel is banned thus for the first time in history, the norms of the Hari Raya celebration are going to change 360 degrees, with the absence of the ‘balik kampung’ and the open houses culture (1,2).


Here are some of the tips you may practice during Hari Raya Aidilfitri new norms since World Health Organization (WHO) expert in Medical Emergency, Dr. Mike Ryan stated that, once the MCO is getting less strict people will still maintain the social distance but the risk of infection will increase:


1.’Balik Kampung’ (1,2,3)



If your ‘kampung’ is in the same state and everyone is healthy. If you must travel interstate, do not ‘balik kampung’ stay where you are. Make sure the place you visit has not more than twenty people with everyone is healthy in the family. The Director General of Health also said that the “20 visitors per home” rule for Aidilfitri is not an absolute number and must take into consideration the size of one’s domicile to ensure social distancing above all. There is also 3Cs rule that is suggested by Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), which is confined spaces, crowded spaces and closed conversation that need to be avoided during Hari Raya period. Furthermore, if the house you are going to visit has elderly who is sick or baby, do not visit that house. Also before you actually visit a particular house, call to inform or seek permission first, whether they are ready to accept people for Hari Raya or not, because we might not know someone might just have the symptoms on the hari raya itself, thus want to avoid people during hari raya.


2. Practice 3C (4)


While you are visiting one another during hari raya make sure to adopt the new norm such as according to Centre of Disease Control (CDC) three steps you can take to keep yourself and your community healthy and safe amid the coronavirus outbreak are Clean, Cover and Contain. Frequently clean your hand by washing it with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. During this hari raya period, avoid the handshake culture, instead to show respect just put your hand on the chest. Avoid touching other people and surfaces After every visit that you make, make sure to clean hands before you enter the premise and after you enter the premise. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. The CDC also recommends cleaning and disinfect regularly touched surfaces daily. These surfaces include but are not limited to: doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.

Cover your mouth and nose, during your visit. Make sure to cover your mouth and nose either by wearing mask or cover your mouth and nose with tissue when you sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. If you are using tissue, throw the tissue in the covered dustbin and immediately wash your hands after with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer as instructed above.

Contain the spread of germs and the virus by staying home if you feel sick except to get medical care. Self-isolate and avoid close contact with people who are sick. Put distance between yourself and other people for at least 1 meter, especially people who are at a higher risk of getting sick. These include elderly and anyone who has serious underlying medical conditions.


3.The usage of new technology among elderly


Until early last year many of the elderly have problem with regards to the usage of the internet, usage of the gadget and all that. However, since Movement Control Order, many elderly have learnt and know how to even make video call and buy things online. With Hari Raya that is going to be celebrated during CMCO period, it is the new norm for us to adopt this technology and be far from eyes but not in the heart. Call your loved ones during hari raya, if they do not know, get someone in the area to teach them on how to accept the call and call them during Hari Raya.

4. Scan for ‘duit raya’

As for duit raya, it has been a tradition for not only Malay to be giving and accepting ‘duit raya’ during hari raya, however it is not wise to be giving cash anymore. With the use of e – wallet and ‘duitnow’ we now able to transfer ‘duit raya’ contactless and easier. Set aside an amount of your money for ‘duit raya’ and you are set to give duit raya for your loved ones either through transfer or just scan it!




It is also a good practice, to warn or advise one another during hari ray since sometimes people might forget the do’s and don’t’s because we are so happy meeting everyone during hari raya. Hence, a reminder from one another is very important to make sure everyone is safe.


Lastly, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri from us Megalive Family to you and your family, may this Hari Raya brings you lot of happiness and makes you closer in the heart with your loved ones.







7 Tips Penyediaan Menu Sihat & Makan Secara Sihat di Hari Raya!

Setiap tahun Hari Raya Aidilfitri ialah pada 1 Syawal tahun Hijrah. Perayaan tersebut juga dikenali sebagai Hari Raya Puasa atau Hari Raya Fitrah atau Hari lebaran. Hari Raya Aidilfitri merupakan sambutan yang diraikan oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia setelah berjaya menjalani ibadah puasa sepanjang bulan Ramadhan.

Antara amalam – amalan tradisi yang dilakukan semasa Hari Raya ialah amalan ziarah – menziarahi sanak – saudara dan jiran tetangga. Amalan mengeratkan silaturahim ini sangat digalakkan dalam Islam bagi memohon kemaafan di antara satu sama lain. Akan tetapi oleh kerana Hari Raya Aidilfitri tahun ini ialah pada musim Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat maka, ikutlah saranan untuk beraya dengan selamat dalam kita menjauhi wabak COVID19. Walaupun sesetengah daripada kita ada yang telah mendapat vaksin tetapi masih ramai yang belum, dan sudah divaksin bukan bermakna anda tidak boleh dijangkiti wabak COVID19.



Semasa bulan Ramadhan sebelum ini, ramai di antara kita mengambil kesempatan menurunkan berat badan dan makan secara sihat. Walau bagaimanapun, apabila tiba musim perayaan, kebanyakan kita mengalami penambahan berat badan. Berat badan yang berjaya diturunkan sepanjang 30 hari menjalani ibadah puasa mungkin meningkat semula hanya selepas 15 hari menyambut Hari Raya. Hal ini adalah kerana, hari raya adalah masa untuk menikmati juadah hari raya yang hanya setahun sekali dimasak dan dimakan bersama – sama oleh kerana itu ramai yang mengambil kesempatan ini untuk makan juadah raya tanpa mengira jumlah kalori dan panduan pemakanan sihat (1).

Sebenarnya pemakanan sihat sangat mudah diikut walaupun ketika hari raya. Makan dengan sihat bukan bermaksud kita tidak dapat menikmati juadah hari raya akan tetapi makan dengan kadar yang betul dan dengan cara penyediaan makanan yang lebih sihat. Kita dapat bahagikan amalam pemakanan sihat ketika hari raya kepada dua kategori iaitu semasa penyediaan makanan dan semasa menikmati hidangan hari raya.


7 Tips Sediakan Hidangan Sihat di Hari Raya (1,2,3)


1. Kurangkan gula, minyak dan lemak dalam penyediaan biskut dan kek.


Gunakan ½ atau ¾ daripada kuantiti gula yang biasa digunakan semasa menyediakan biskut dan kek. Jika perlu, gunakan gula gantian bagi mendapatkan biskut atau kek yang sempurna tekstur dan rasanya. 

2. Gunakan daging yang telah dibuang lemak atau ayam yang telah dibuang kulit.

3. Kurangkan mensajikan makanan yang bersantan, bergoreng dan berminyak.


4. Gantikan penggunaan santan dengan susu rendah lemak dalam penyediaan rendang dan kuah lontong.

5. Potong ayam atau daging dalam size yang kecil.


6. Gunakan ramuan tinggi serat untuk membuat  biskut dan kuih raya seperti tepung bijirin penuh, oat dan buah prun.

7. Kurangkan penggunaan pewarna tiruan dalam penyediaan kuih-muih, kek dan puding. Sebaliknya gunakan pewarna semulajadi seperti dari sumber daun pandan dan sebagainya.


7 Tips Makan Secara Sihat Di Hari Raya (1,2,3)


1. Makan dalam saiz hidangan atau kuantiti yang kecil.


Pemilihan pinggan yang lebih kecil membantu dalam mengurangkan pengambilan makanan lebih – lebih lagi jika anda makan secara buffet.


2. Pilih makanan yang rendah kalori seperti buah-buahan serta makanan yang kurang minyak, lemak dan santan.


3. Pilih makanan tinggi serat untuk mengelakkan sembelit.


4. Hadkan pengambilan makanan yang manis dan berlemak seperti biskut raya dan dodol.


Anda juga boleh mengehadkan pengambilan kuih-muih atau kek semasa hari raya kepada hanya 5 biji kuih raya sehari dan kurangkan pengambilan makanan manis yang lain.


5. Pilih buah- buahan segar sebagai pencuci mulut.


6. Hadkan pengambilan makanan yang tinggi kandungan garam seperti kerepek


7. Minum air kosong berbanding minuman berperisa, minuman berkarbonat dan minumam yang manis.


Senang bukan? Ikutilah panduan pemakanan sihat semasa hari raya ini, agar usaha anda untuk menurunkan berat badan sepanjang bulan Ramadhan tidak sia – sia. Bagi individu yang mempunyai masalah kesihatan, hari raya bukanlah tiket untuk anda menikmati juadah tanpa mengambil kira faktor kesihatan ya!


Akhir sekali, selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri, semoga hari raya ini memberi keceriaan kepada kita semua!



1. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). Bahagian Pemakanan. Perancangan dan Pemilihan Menu Sihat Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri. 0Raya%202013.pdf
2. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). Bahagian Pemakanan. Makan Secara Sihat di Hari Raya.
3. Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Perak. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), bahagian Pemakanan. Makan secara sihat di hari raya. 
4. Makan secara sihat di hari raya.

Loss of Appetite among Elderly, How to Improve?

Worldwide, people are living longer. With the advancement of medical technology, people in this era are expected to live into their sixties and beyond. By 2050, China alone will have as many as 2 billion people in this age group, compared to about 120 million in the rest of the world. Today, 125 million people are aged 80 years old and older, worldwide. 


While in Malaysia, the number of Malaysians aged 60 years and above is estimated to be 1.4 million and is projected to increase to 3.3 million in the year 2020. The percentage of the population that is 60 years of age or older has also increased over the years: 5.2% in 1970, 5.7% in 1990, and 6.3% in 2000. In the year 2020, this percentage is expected to be 9.8% of the population. Between 1990 and 2020, the population of Malaysia is expected to increase from 18.4 million to 33.3 million, an increase of 80%. The aged population, however, is expected to increase from 1.05 million in 1990 to 3.26 million over the same period, an increase of 210% (2).



The population is ageing at a much faster rate than in the past. All countries face significant challenges in ensuring that people's health and social systems are prepared for this demographic shift. The healthcare system and technology must keep up with people's health and needs (1,2).


Many more literatures on the topic of geriatric (elderly) health must be discussed. According to research, the elderly face issues such as frailty, which is frequently exacerbated by issues such as urinary incontinence, instability, falls, and acute confusion states. Furthermore, as people get older, they are more likely to develop chronic diseases (2).


All these issues contribute to elderly malnutrition; in addition, poor dentition, changes in dietary habits, and the types of food available all play important roles in this situation. Thus, if you have an elderly person with a poor appetite, make sure to rule out all physical issues before attempting to improve the elderly person's appetite (2,3). 



Ways to stimulate the elderly's appetite as a carer or ways for the elderly to try it themselves (3,4):


  • Share a meal with your loved one or encourage them to join others for a weekly lunch or dinner. According to studies, seniors who eat with others eat more and make healthier food choices.
  • Keep in mind that your loved one's preferences may change. Make nutritious meals that are bright and colourful, as well as high in vitamins and minerals. However, do not overburden your loved ones with large portions, as a plate piled high with food may overwhelm them and discourage them from eating at all.
  • Eating meals on a set schedule makes it a routine part of your loved one's day. Every day of the week, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks should be served at the same time.
  • Serve higher-nutrient foods in smaller portions. When they see a large amount of food in front of them, some seniors become overwhelmed. Serve smaller portions instead of a large plate. You could even implement a daily routine in which your senior consumes 5 small meals rather than 3 larger ones.
  • You can still cook in larger batches to save time. Simply store it in smaller individual containers to make it easier to reheat.
  • Put down your utensils. The frustration of not being able to use a spoon, fork, or knife may cause some elderly people to refuse to eat at all. Serve foods that can be eaten without utensils to make eating easier for them.
  • Have plenty of easy-to-eat snacks on hand. Some seniors would rather graze throughout the day than eat full meals. That is also acceptable. Make sure you have plenty of healthy, delicious, and easy-to-eat snacks on hand.
  • Whip up some milkshakes or smoothies. Consider serving more liquid-y foods if chewing is difficult or tiring, even with small pieces of food. You can also try making this liquid diet with different fruits and vegetables. Do not be concerned about fat or cholesterol unless your elderly relative has specific health issues. After all, the challenge is to get enough calories into them.
  • Consumption of complete milk formula such as Nutrasure and multivitamins such as Ginviton can help bridge the gap between poor food consumption/highly nutritious food and their health needs!
  • Keep track of what works for you. Take notes so you can remember what foods your senior likes, what they don't, and what might be bothering their stomach. You can also observe when they are more willing to eat or when they have a stronger appetite. Keeping track allows you to experiment more with what works and avoid what doesn't.



1.   World Health Organization (WHO). Key Facts. Ageing and Health.

2.   Mafauzy M. (2000). The Problems and Challenges of the Ageing Population in Malaysia. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences.

3.   American Senior Communities. Is Loss of Appetite in Elderly is the Sign of Something Else?

4.   Daily Caring. 6 Ways for Seniors with No Appetite to Eat.


Tinjauan Kebangsaan Kesihatan Malaysia atau Nama Inggerisnya, National Health Morbidity Survey Malaysia (NHMS) adalah survei kesihatan yang dibuat setiap empat tahun oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti status kesihatan rakyat Malaysia. Tinjauan ini adalah tinjauan yang melibatkan negeri di seluruh Malaysia.


Tinjauan ini mengkaji beberapa perihal aspek kesihatan yang terpenting seperti penyakit tidak berjangkit yang dialami oleh rakyat Malaysia iaitu obesiti, kencing manis, darah tinggi, dan masalah kolesterol. Ia juga merangkumi aspek pemakanan seperti  pengambilan makanan dan minuman sihat, aspek kesihatan mental, kesihatan seksual dan pengambilan dadah. Selain daripada itu, tinjauan ini juga mengkaji aspek yang melibatkan perkhidmatan kesihatan di Malaysia.


Terdapat beberapa perkara serius menurut hasil dapatan ini iaitu;


1 daripada 2 dewasa di Malaysia adalah obese!


Obese atau obesity adalah masalah lebihan berat badan yang di alami oleh individu, yang berpunca daripada pelbagai faktor. Namun, apa yang lebih membimbangkan adalah, menjadi obese ini sendiri adalah merupakan risiko utama kepada masalah kesihatan seperti kencing manis, darah tinggi, kolesterol, masalah jantung serta masalah kesihatan yang lain – lain lagi.


Jika perkara ini berterusan, bayangkan setiap orang yang anda jumpai separuh daripadanya adalah obese dan mempunyai kencing manis, darah tinggi dan sebagainya!! Menurut kajian ini, inidividu yang mengalami obesity tertinggi adalah wanita iaitu sebanyak 57.6%, kaum india iaitu sebnayak 63% dan dalam kalangan mereka yang berumur 55 – 59 tahun.



Antara lain perkara yang membimbangkan ialah masalah kencing manis dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia.


1 daripada 5 dewasa mengalami masalah diabetes!


Diabetes atau kencing manis adalah keadaan di mana paras gula dalam darah menjadi tinggi. Hal ini berpunca daripada kekerapan pengambilan makanan yang tidak sihat. Makanan yang tinggi karbohidrat, gula dan lemak dan gaya hidup yang tidak aktif.


Selain daripada peratusan obesity yang semakin meningkat saban hari, yang mengeruhkan keadaan ini juga adalah pengambilan minuman yang manis, menurut tinjauan,sebanyak 53.2% individu di Malaysia minum minuaman manis yang disediakan sendiri setiap hari, 4.2% individu minum minuman berkarbonat setiap hari dan 6.7% individu minum minuam 3 dalam 1 setiap hari.


Menurut tinjauan ini, seramai 3.9 juta dewasa berusia lebih dari 18 tahun menghidapi penyakit kencing manis. Kebanyakkan dari mereka yang berumur 18 – 40 tahun tidak tahu bahawa mereka menghidapi kencing manis.


Antar negeri yang mempunyai prevalen kencing manis yang tinggi adalah Negeri Sembilan (33.2%), Perlis (32.6%), dan Pahang (25.7%).


Antara gejala yang melibatkan masalah kencing manis ialah, keletihan, kerap membuang air kecil, kehausan yang melampau, penurunan berat badan, dan kerap mengalami jangkitan kuman. Sekiranya anda tidak mempunya gejala seperti ini, anda juga boleh melakukan saringan kencing manis jika anda mempunyai berat badan yang berlebihan, BMI melebihi 23 kg/m2 atau ukur lilit pinggang melebihi 80 cm untuk wanita dan 90 cm untuk lelaki.


Kegagalan mengenal pasti masalah kencing manis dengan lebih awal akan menyebabkan komplikasi yang lebih serius di masa akan datang.



4 daripada 10 dewasa mengalami masalah kolesterol


Seramai 8 juta rakyat Malaysia mempunyai masalah tinggi kolesterol, iaitu 4 daripada 10 orang mengalaminya. Bacaan kadar bagi tinggi kolesterol ialah sebanyak 5.2 mmol dan ke atas. Mereka yang berumur 40 – 59 tahun adalah individu yang paling ramai tidak mengetahui bahawa mereka mempunyai tahap kolesterol yang tinggi. Hanya 63% daripada individu yang mempunyai masalah kolesterol yang tinggi Berjaya mengawal tahap kolesterol dengan pengambilan ubat – ubatan.


3 daripada 10 dewasa mengalami  Hipertensi


Hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi yang tidak dikawal boleh mengakibatkan serangan jantung, strok dan pelbagai penyakit kardiovaskular yang lain. Bacaan kadar tekanan darah tinggi yang tidak terkawal ialah bacaan yang melebihi 140/ 96 mmHg. Lelaki yang berumur 30 tahun ke bawah adalah mempunyai 3 kali ganda lebih ramai menghidapi hipertensi berbanding wanita. Dalam 6.4 juta rakyat Malaysia yang mengalami hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi, hanya separuh yang menyedari bahawa mereka menghidapi penyakit ini.


Kesimpulannya, masalah seperti obesity, kencing manis, darah tinggi dan tinggi kolesterol mempunyai perkaitan rapat antara satu sama lain. Penyakit – penyakit ini membawa komplikasi yang lebih serius dalam jangka masa panjang dan merupakan risiko kepada masalah kardiovaskular yang juga merupakan penyebab kematian nombor satu di Malaysia. Seramai 1.7 juta individu di Malaysia mempunyai tiga faktor risiko manakala seramai 3.4 juta individu di Malaysia mengalami faktor risiko utama.





Bagi mengatasi masalah ini, individu perlu mengawal bacaan tekanan darah iaitu bacaan perlu kurang dari 140/ 90 mmHg. Individu juga perlu mengamalkan diet yang seimbang dan sihat bagi mengekalkan berat badan yang ideal, selalu bersenam dan menghindari rokok dan alkohol.


  1. Tinjauan Kebangsaan Kesihatan dan Morbiditi (2009). Penyakit tidak berjangkit, permintaan jagaan kesihatan dan literasi kesihatan. Penemuan Utama, Infografik Booklet. Institut Kesihatan Umum.

  2. Tinjauan Kebangsaan Kesihatan dan Morbiditi (2009). Lembaran Fakta. Penyakit tidak berjangkit, permintaan jagaan kesihatan dan literasi kesihatan. Lembaran Fakta. Institut Kesihatan Umum.

  3. Portal Rasmi Pendidikan Kesihatan Malaysia (MyHealth) (2016). Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Bagaimana Diabetes dikesan?

  4. Portas Rasmi Pendidikan Kesihatan Malaysia (MyHealth) (2008). Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Obesity and Overweight.

DURIAN!!! Eat whole durian is equivalent to 3 bowl of rice?

Durian or ‘King of fruit’ is a well-known fruit for its smell. Anthony Bourdain, the late renowned food critic describes durian as “It smelled like you buried someone holding a big wheel of Stilton (cheese) in his arms, then dug him few weeks later” (1). That is to describe how horrible the smell of durian is, but to certain people who like to eat durian the smell of durian to them is heaven!


Durian actually has more than 30 species but the one that people usually eat are about 8 species only, due to its exotic nature, people have started to commercialized durian even to the international level. The most common durian being exported and widely consumed is Durio Zibethinus (2).

Due to its popularity, people started to questioning about durian health benefits, whether it is good or bad for health? Unlike apple, orange, guava and many other common fruits where people always equate it to “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” which means, consuming all these fruits are going to make you healthier, since it is packed full with nutrients that is good for body. For durian, the opinion regarding its health effect is mixing, some people say that it is good for health and can even be used to alleviate infertility or PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome  and some people say that it is heaty thus cannot be consumed too much etc. (3).


In general, durian is considered a safe fruit to eat just like any other fruit, but since durian has high calorie value, thus it is not advisable to consume in large amount unlike other fruits. Look at the infographic below to understand, calorie in durian in comparison with other fruits (4).



Here is the calorie of durian per seeds, surprisingly eating  5 seeds of durian is equivalent to a bowl of rice! ANDDDD IF A DURIAN CONSISTS OF 15 SEEDS IT IS EQUIVALENT TO 3 BOWL OF RICE! Thus, the recommended intake of durian is only 2-3 seeds, which is equivalent to about per serving of fruits or 90 kcal.


Though, it is crystal clear here that it is safe to eat durian within recommended amount, but there are people who should be even more cautious in consuming durian, that is people who are obese, people who have diabetes and people who have kidney problem. As for people who are obese and diabetes, it is due to its high calorie, high carbohydrate and high fats value thus should be extra careful on the consumption of durian. Whereas for people with kidney problem or undergoing dialysis, due to high potassium content in durian and it is difficult for their body to excrete potassium, thus, they must avoid eating TOO MUCH durian at all cost (4)!



Albeit durian has many health benefits, when it comes to its consumption with other foods and beverages such as alcohol, it is said that it can interfere with liver function. In detail, durian contain sulphur-containing volatiles which can inhibit the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase (enzyme that helps in process alcohol), thus explaining why consuming durian together with alcohol is a deadly mixed (4).

As for the consumption of durian with paracetamol, there is no study on human has been conducted, so far. But there is study on lab rat regarding this. The study shows that, rat that receive paracetamol and durian gives sign of hypothermic effect (significant drop in temperature) thus explain that the two mixture is toxic. However, the mechanism of toxicity is still unknown. To be safe, it is not safe to consume durian together with paracetamol (5).


In conclusion, for people who does not have any health concerns, consume durian within the recommended intake and consume it in moderation, is very much advisable. While for those who have health concerns, eat durian very minimally, it is advisable to eat other types of fruit that have lower calorie count as compared to durian, but since it is in the season thus consume it very minimally with caution towards calorie intake from other food types as well is recommended.



  1. The Star. Benefits of eating durian? Its rich in antioxidant but its fattening (2019). (Accessed on June 17, 2020).
  2. Tan M.C & Shyamala A. (2018). Exploring the Nutritional Content and Benefits of Durian (Durio Zibethinus). Institute of Bioproduct Development, Universiti Teknologi Mara. zibethinus/#:~:text=Durian%20is%20widely%20celebrated%20for,and%20protect%20against%20cardiovascular%20diseases. (Accessed on June 17, 2020).
  3. Reshma M. Ansari (2016). Potential Use of Durian Fruit (Durio Zibenthinus linn) as an Adjunct to treat Infertility in Polycystic Ovarian Synrdome (PCOS). PubMed. (Accessed on June 17, 2020).
  4. International Medical University (IMU). Can A Durian A Day Keep the Doctor Away? (Accessed on June 17, 2020).
  5. A. Chua., H. Nurhaslina., S.H. Gan. (2008). Hyperthermic Effect of Durio Zibethinnus and Its Interaction with Paracetamol.,a%20risk%20of%20toxic%20effects 


Latok? Is the New Hype Really Good for Health?

On the social media recently, many people starts to sell grape seaweed or better known as latok. It is said that, latok has many health benefits, but to people from the Peninsular of Malaysia, latok is the new hype. Since many people saying that it is good for health, so people have starting to try and consume it. But how true is the claimed?



Latok, grape seaweed or its scientific name is Caulerpa Lentilifera, is a common ‘ulam’ for Sabahan. Study on latok in Malaysia is still very little perhaps because previously there is only small number of people who consume it regularly, but there are actually extensive studies conducted in Philippines on this latok, since it is a very common food in Philippines as well (1).


Surprisingly, according to studies, latok has various health benefits! However, the nutrient content in latok, is vary from one another based on its size, the location where it breeds, the ecosystem of its habitat and the maturity of latok when it is harvest (2).


Previously in Asian countries, seaweed has been utilized as a source of phycocolloids, thickening and gelling agents in the food industry. Since people have not yet discover it health benefits, perhaps it is about time for people to commercialized latok for its health benefits. Since studies shows that, latok is high with iron, zinc, calcium and fibre (2,3).



Latok is even recommended to be consumed by pregnant women, adolescents, and teenagers for its high calcium content, since these two groups of people is at the stage of needing high calcium for their growth and development (2,3).


Apart from its micronutrients, latok also has large amounts of polysaccharides, most of which cannot be digested by humans without the required enzymes for degradation. These polysaccharides can therefore be regarded as excellent source of dietary soluble fibre. This property therefore can lower the risk of constipation (2,3).


There are also studies claiming that, latok has the ability to lower the cholesterol, thus preventing heart disease and it has anti-cancer property (2,3). However, what more important is how people consume it. It is such a culture in Malaysia where people eat ‘ulam’ or vegetables with various kind of gravies such as sambal belacan, budu, cincalok, kicap and many others. It is such a waste to all these high content of nutrients where is supposed to be given benefits to the body but in returns give harm because all these gravies contain high salt content thus can even pose high risk for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.



  1. Fadzilah A.K., Mohd Fadzely A.B., Maryati M., Noratiqah N., (2018). Utilization of natural resources: Preliminary study on ethnopharmacological application of ‘ulam’ or traditional vegetables among Sama- Bajau of Kampung Menunggui, Kota Belud, Sabah.
  2. James David S. Alacantra., Nancy L.L., (2020). Mineral Availability, dietary fiber contents and short chain fatty acid fermentation product for Caulerpa Lentilifere and Kappaphycus Alvareezii Vol. 31 (1). KIMIKA.
  3. Cherry P., Cathal O’Hara., Pamela J.M., Emeir M.M., and Philip J.A., Risk and Benefits of Consuming Edible Seaweed. Nutrition Review. Vol 77(5): 307 -329


Quinoa, is it really superfood?

Superfood is a non-medical term, usually refers to foods that have health promoting properties. According to American Heart Association (AHA), there is just no specific category when it comes to superfood. It mostly is plant-based food but sometimes it can be fish and dairy that are nutritionally dense as well. Superfoods usually contain unusually high content of antioxidant to ward of cancer, high in fiber which does not spike blood glucose thus have the properties to prevent diabetes and digestive problem. It is also high with healthy fat to prevent heart disease and contain phytochemicals that is responsible for food deep colors. Example of superfoods are green tea, acai berries, salmon and quinoa (1,2).



What is quinoa?


Quinoa or also known as pseudo-cereals is world most popular superfood, even recognized by Harvard School of Public Health. Quinoa is gluten free, high in protein and one the few plant foods that contain complete all nine essential amino acids (3).


It is not only rare to have all the nine essential amino acids in a food, but it is as well is important and easy for us! To make it easy to understand, for amino acid there are two kind of amino acids, essential and non-essential. Essential amino acid is the amino acids that cannot be synthesized by human body, it must be gathered from diet, while the non-essential amino acids is the amino acids that can be synthesized by human body itself. Amino acid is important for the growth, repairing of body tissue, breaking down the food and many others. Thus, when quinoa has its all, this superfood really is NUTRITIOUS (4,5)!



Quinoa also is high in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, E vitamin and various antioxidants (4,5).


Is Quinoa really superfood?


Yes! Even according to Harvard School of Public Health! Quinoa is technically a seed, but due to its nutritious properties it is considered as whole grain. One cup of cooked quinoa provides about 8g of protein and 5g of fiber. Thus, it really promotes satiety and is suitable for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


When it comes to superfood, there are various claim with regards to this. Some critical claim said that, a superfood might be a superfood but the process itself might make the superfood not as nutritious as it would be, which is why, it is really important to understand the cooking process and food process itself.


As for quinoa, it has different level of maturity of seeds even in the same plant, thus it must be hand-picked undergo the process of removing saponin – a bitter chemical compound coating the exterior part of quinoa that act as natural pesticides. After this process, quinoa is then healthy and safe to be eaten!


But due to its high nutrient content, some people said that, it not really palatable, especially with the Asian or Malaysian palate! Thus, there are few cooking or serving suggestion with regards to quinoa if you are to consume this superfood!


Replace your carbohydrate with quinoa


Since quinoa is better than the average rice, pasta, and many other carbs, thus it is advisable to replace it with quinoa. As an example, you may replace quinoa in sushi, pasta salad and you can even prepare it as a breakfast cereal by simply cook it with milk or water and diced in some fruits or pop in some cinnamon  and a table spoon of nuts!


But, since Quinoa is prominently in cultivated in country such as Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador, thus it is really difficult to get the quinoa in the country like Malaysia, so what can one do with regard to this ?


It is to.. choose food product that has quinoa as its main ingredients!


You may drink it as it is and still get the benefits from quinoa if its in powder form, or you can even add this product in your salad, as gravy or in less sugar cookies, muffin, bownies or even pancake!


Example below on how quinoa can be served as!


    Quinoa as breakfast cereal


       Quinoa with salad

Quinoa muffin



  1. Christopher Wanjek (2019). What are Superfood?  com. (Accessed on July 6, 2020).

  2. Mellisa Conrad Stoppler. Medical Definition of Superfood. (Accessed on July 6, 2020).

  3. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. (Accessed on July 6, 2020).

  4. Kriss Gunnars (2018). 11 Proven Benefits of Quinoa. Healthline. (Accessed on July 6, 2020).

  5. Medline Plus. Amino Acids. (Accessed on July 6, 2020).


Tips for Buying Healthy Groceries

The demand for healthier food is on the rise, leading to more options in the market. A Forbes report in 2017 noted that over 23 billion people engaged with food-related content, and searches for healthy food topics like vegan or gluten-free food on the internet increased by more than 100% (1).

As people increasingly look for healthier food choices, and with numerous options available, a key question emerges: How do consumers go about making the right decisions when buying healthy food? Is the "healthy" label more about marketing than the actual nutritional value of the food?

Grocery shopping might seem straightforward, but when you factor in your budget, the number of people to feed, and the need for healthier food choices, it can become a bit overwhelming—especially if there are specific food allergies or medical conditions in the household. Don't worry; we're here to simplify things and make your grocery shopping experience smoother!


  1. Plan (2, 3, 5): To streamline your grocery shopping, consider planning your meals for the week. This not only helps you stick to your budget but also ensures that you make healthier food choices. Meal planning saves both time and money while guaranteeing that you and your family enjoy nutritious meals. Here's an example of a weekly meal plan for a family of two:

    • Monday:

      • Breakfast: Oatmeal with fruit

      • Lunch: Grilled chicken salad

      • Dinner: Baked fish with vegetables

    • Tuesday:

      • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with granola

      • Lunch: Quinoa and vegetable stir-fry

      • Dinner: Lentil soup and rice

    • Wednesday:

      • Breakfast: Whole grain toast with avocado

      • Lunch: Turkey and vegetable wrap

      • Dinner: Brown rice with roasted chicken

And so on for the rest of the week. Planning not only ensures a variety in your meals but also helps you make healthier choices while staying within your budget.Top of Form 

You may get this kind of template for weekly meal planner online since it can be exciting to incorporate your family members favourite dishes or try a new recipe using it. Based on this, you get to know what you need to stock in your kitchen and pantry with.

  1.  Looking for Healthy Food in the Market (3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Now comes the tricky part! Once you've planned your meals for the week, consider breaking them down into food categories. Supermarkets or your local grocery store usually organize their items by class. These classes typically include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fruits, and vegetables.

Carbohydrates (3, 4, 5)

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet for you and your family involves consuming food in variation, balance, and moderation. When it comes to carbohydrates, ensure that your sources are diverse. Examples of carbohydrate sources include pasta, rice, bread, noodles, and certain vegetables like potatoes. Throughout the week, vary your food choices from these sources, emphasizing low glycemic index (GI) and whole-grain products over high GI options.

Glycemic Index (GI): This is a rating system for foods containing carbohydrates, indicating how quickly each food affects your blood sugar level when consumed on its own. High GI foods, like sugary items, soft drinks, white bread, potatoes, and white rice, lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar. On the other hand, low GI foods are broken down slowly, providing a gradual increase in blood sugar and promoting a longer feeling of fullness (satiety). Examples of low GI foods include green leafy vegetables, whole grains like oats and brown rice, and legumes. Incorporating a variety of these options into your weekly meals contributes to a healthier and more satisfying diet.

Protein (3,4).

Protein can be obtained from various food sources, with the commonly known options being chicken, meat, and fish. Additionally, soy-based foods like 'tauhu' and 'tempeh' are rich in protein. It's worth noting that 'tempeh,' a local soy-based food, not only boasts high protein content but is also abundant in probiotics.


When selecting meat, it's advisable to opt for white meat over red meat. This choice is driven by the fact that red meat contains elevated levels of saturated fats, which can adversely affect heart health. While occasional consumption of red meat is acceptable, moderation is key to maintaining a heart-healthy diet. Incorporating dairy products is also crucial for achieving a balanced and nutritious meal. Therefore, consider including dairy products in your diet to support overall health.

Fats (7)

Various types of cooking oils flood the market, often marketed for their low cholesterol content. But is this claim accurate? It turns out, this is largely a marketing strategy. Cooking oils like sunflower oil, canola oil, corn oil, olive oil, and even the widely used palm oil are all plant-derived. Consequently, plant-based foods generally do not contain cholesterol. Cholesterol is exclusively found in animal-based foods.

Below is the classification of cooking oil:

It is recommended to blend your cooking oils in a 1:1 ratio, ensuring an equal combination of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Vegetables & Fruits (3,4,5).

When it comes to vegetables, it is recommended to aim for three servings per day, making them a significant portion of your market purchases to ensure everyone gets enough. However, dealing with vegetables can be a bit challenging due to their short lifespan.

Ensure that 20%-30% of your vegetable intake consists of green leafy vegetables. Although these vegetables, being a source of insoluble fiber, benefit digestion and help regulate blood glucose levels, they are also highly perishable. To diversify, consider incorporating rhizome vegetables like carrots and radishes, along with tuber vegetables such as potatoes.

Tuber vegetables are generally high in carbohydrates and aid in digestion but can cause a spike in glucose levels. Thus, exercise caution when consuming this type of vegetable.

3. Looking for LOW sodium, LOW sugar, LOW fat (6)

Always scrutinize food labels, especially for condiments. However, it is also advisable to turn to natural herbs to enhance the flavor of your dishes. Garlic, ginger, celery, spring onion, turmeric, and chili powder are examples of herbs that can elevate the taste of your meals.

Regarding condiments, it's crucial to note that "less sugar," "less salt," and "low fat" don't imply an absence of these components; rather, they signify an improved formulation from previous versions. For instance, if the previous formulation contained 30g of salt, the current one might have only 15g. Therefore, while using these reduced-salt, sugar, and low-fat condiments is a healthier choice, it's still essential to employ them in moderation for optimal health benefits.



In conclusion, while purchasing healthy food is crucial for maintaining a nutritious diet, the method of cooking is equally important. Prioritize cooking techniques such as boiling, grilling, and steaming to ensure the nutritional value of your meals is preserved. Remember, taste preferences can be cultivated by training your taste buds to appreciate healthy foods. Over time, you will find yourself adapting to a healthier diet and making mindful choices that contribute to your overall well-being.


  1. How to make healthy shopping grocery list (n.d). (Accessed on August 20, 2020).

  2. Marketing Healthy Food: Strategies to make discovery easier (2017). (Accessed on August 20, 2020).

  3. Kathleen M.Z., 10 Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping (n.d). (Accessed on August 20, 2020).

  4. Make a Grocery List in a Minute (n.d). (Accessed on August 20, 2020).

  5. Food Network. Katie Allen. Smart Shopping Guide for Healthy Meals (n.d). (Accessed on August 20, 2020).

  6. Ministry of Health. My Health Portal. NurAidaliana Abas. Lemak dan Kolesterol (2015). (Accessed on August 20, 2020).

  7. National Health Service (NHS). What is the Glycemic Index (GI) (2018). (Accessed on August 20, 2020).




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