Nouvelle Turmeric Extract 120MG (6x10's blisters)

  • 2,300 pts

Valid till 2025-01-01

Nouvelle Turmeric Extract 120MG

Pack size: 6 x 10’s blisters

Main ingredient:
Rhizoma Curcuma Longa Extract (Turmeric Rhizome Extract)
Turmeric Rhizome Extract and its health benefit
• Contains active ingredient; curcumin that has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity
• May help to reduce rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis by relieving pain and reducing swelling.

Why Nouvelle Turmeric Extract 120 mg?
Contains AbsocurcuminTM patented Turmeric Rhizome Extract

Nouvelle Turmeric Extract 120 mg is suitable for:
• Elderly.
• Athletes or individuals who exercise regularly.
• Individuals who concern about their health.

Recommended dosage:
Take 1 capsule twice daily after meal or as directed by doctor/pharmacist.

Contraindicated in pregnant women. Insufficient reliable date in breastfeeding women.

Product Registration No. MAL23116078TC
KKLIU: 0449/EXP31.12.2026 
Tarikh Tamat Tempoh: 31/12/2026

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