Nouvelle Ginkgo Bacopa Complex

  • RM75.70

Availability:In Stock

Nouvelle Ginkgo Bacopa Complex

Pack size: 6 x 10’s blisters

Main ingredients:

Folium Ginkgo Biloba Extract (Ginkgo Leaf Extract) that is standardized to 24% Ginkgo Flavone Glycoside and 6% Terpene Lactones – 120 mg

Herba Bacopa Monnieri Extract (Brahmi Herb Extract) – 75 mg

Main Benefits:

Ginkgo Leaf Extract

• Contains several bioactive compounds such as terpenoids, flavonoids, bioflavonoids, and organic acids which helps improve blood flow.

• Aids to improve blood circulation due to its vasodilation effect.

• Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect that may help to improve cognitive function.

Brahmi Herb Extract

• Contains active compounds called bacosides that acts as powerful antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory effect.

• May help to improve neurocognitive performance, in terms of memory, learning, attention, and others.

Why Nouvelle Ginkgo Bacopa Complex?

Synergistic effect of ginkgo leaf extract and brahmi herb extract for better improvement of blood circulation.

Nouvelle Ginkgo Bacopa Complex is suitable for:

• Individuals who want to improve their blood circulation.

• Individuals who always feel numbness and tingling sensation in hands and feet.

• Individuals with cold hands and feet.

• Individuals who always get muscle cramps.

• Adults and elderly.

Recommended dosage:

Take 1 capsule twice daily after meal or as directed by doctor/pharmacist.


Ginkgo is not recommended for those taking blood thinning medications such as aspirin, warfarin, and others. As the use of ginkgo may increase the tendency of bleeding。 Please consult your pharmacist if you are on intended to start using any other medicines and before you undergo any surgical/dental procedure. Do not use during pregnancy. There is insufficient reliable data for breastfeeding women.

Suitable for vegetarians.

Product Registration No. MAL23126075TC

KKLIU: 0704/EXP31.12.2026  Tarikh Tamat Tempoh: 31/12/2026

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