MegaLive ManProst

  • RM281.10

  • RM295.90
Availability:In Stock

MegaLive ManProst is composed of 6 types of natural herbal ingredients, backed with scientific studies, which helps in improving urination in men. 


Benefits of MegaLive ManProst:

•    Combination of 6 ingredients for the maintenance of urinary health in men.

•    An antioxidant-rich formulation for men’s general health.

•    Natural and traditional preparation whereby the ingredients are backed by scientific studies.


  • Tomato Fruit Extract

  • Pomegranate Fruit Extract

  • Cranberry Fruit Extract

  • Pygeum Bark Extract

  • Saw Palmetto Fruit Extract

  • Pumpkin Seed Extract


MegaLive ManProst is Suitable for:

•    Men with urination problems

•    Men who wants to maintain urination health 


Recommended Dosage

Adults: Take 1 capsule twice daily after meal or as directed by doctor/pharmacist or your healthcare professional.


Product Registration No. MAL23096099TC

KKLIU 0439/EXP31.12.2026 KKLIU Expiry: 31/12/2026

Halal Cert No. 5073-07/2012 Halal Cert No Expiry: 31/01/2027

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Pack Size: 2 x 60’s

Suitable for Vegetearian